This information will help you get organized and prepared to homeschool your child using the Core Knowledge Third Grade Language Arts Skills curriculum.
Important Notes
CK Language Arts Listening & Learning vs. CK Language Arts Skills: The Core Knowledge Language Arts curriculum is split into two strands: Listening & Learning and Skills. Each strand has its own set of curriculum. Both strands are required for a full language arts curriculum. The organization information below is for the Skills strand.
1st vs. 2nd Edition: Please note, the support materials available here are specific to the 1st edition Core Knowledge Language Arts curriculum and Core Knowledge Skills curriculum which are available to download for free on the Core Knowledge website. Core Knowledge’s partner Amplify offers 2nd edition materials and homeschooling families can purchase hard copies of those 2nd edition materials from the Amplify website (there is no “free” option for the 2nd edition materials). If you choose to use the 2nd edition materials, you may need to make significant changes to the schedule and prep information provided here. We recommend using the 1st edition materials. We recommend using the 1st edition curriculum so you can take full advantage of these support materials.
Free Resources
How-to Videos: Watch the videos to learn to use the CKLA Skills curriculum to homeschool.
Unit-Specific Prep Checklist: View and download the unit-specific prep checklist. Includes notes for each unit of the curriculum including which supplemental pages to print, library books that may be needed, required advanced preparation broken out by lesson, as well as a list of additional unit-specific supplies.
Daily Schedule: View and download the free daily schedule for homeschooling Third Grade using the Core Knowledge curriculum and MEP Math curriculum.
Primary Materials
Units: There are 11 units in the Grade 3 CKLA Skills curriculum. All students start with Unit 1 and progress through the units in order. All 11 units, including the daily lesson assigned, are listed on the Grade 3 daily schedule. You will download each unit separately from the CK website. Each unit will be downloaded as a file folder containing multiple files: The Teacher’s Guide, Student Reader, and Workbook. The first unit folder also includes Supplemental Student Reader, Supplemental Workbook, and Supplemental Workbook Answer Key.
Teacher’s Guide: This will be primary resource you use each school day. When you are ready to start a lesson with your student, you will simply open the PDF file for the Teacher’s Guide on your tablet or laptop and navigate to the lesson indicated on the daily schedule and work through the instructions in the Teacher’s Guide for that lesson.
Student Reader: The student reader is a file included in the folder of files you downloaded from CK for the unit. When you reach the point in a lesson that calls for using the student reader, simply open the PDF file on your child’s tablet or laptop and navigate to the story scheduled for that day.
Student Workbook: The student workbook file is included in the folder of files you downloaded from CK for the unit. Whenever possible, please print the whole student workbook prior to beginning the unit. This will save you time each school day. The workbook can be printed as a double-sided document. Once printed you can choose to:
- Keep the loose workbook pages in a file folder or other safe place so you can access the appropriate work page each day.
- Three-hole punch the worksheets and store them in a three-ring binder.
- Have your local office supply store coil-bind or comb-bind the pages into a bound book (typically about $4-$5).
The workbook answer key is always located in the back of the Teacher’s Guide.
Vocabulary Cards and Vocabulary Card Images: These are two separate files and are included in some (but not all) unit file folders. The teacher guide will let you know when to use these files. While you can print these files, it is unnecessary. Instead simply access them on a tablet or laptop when needed for a lesson.
Supplemental Reader, Workbook, and Answer Key: These files are included in the Unit 1 download folder but can be used throughout the school year. You may select sections from these files any time to use for enrichment purposes.
Ancillary Components: You will need to download the CKLA Grade 3 Ancillary Components from the CK website. These resources are downloaded as a single file folder containing multiple files. These files will be used throughout the school year (not unit specific):
- Consonant Flip Book and Vowel Flip Book: These are two separate files. The teacher guide will let you know when to use a flip book. Please note, these flip book files can be accessed as a PDF file on your student’s tablet when needed. Or you may wish to print the files and bind them into a booklet that can be easily accessed and flipped through as needed.
- Spelling Card Set: The teacher guide will let you know when to use the spelling cards. While it is possible to use these cards by opening the PDF file on your child’s tablet, it is easier to print this file using a setting for your printer to print 4 pages of the file to one page of printer paper and you’ll print them double-sided. This will allow you to cut the paper into fourths with one card on each page. If possible, use card stock to print these spelling cards so they will be more durable.
- Individual Code Chart: The teacher guide will let you know when to use the code charts. Please note, it is best to print this file so your student can work with the code charts as needed. Students should be encouraged to keep their code chart close by during the school day as it is handy when working across subjects whenever reading and writing skills are needed.
- Fluency Packet: The fluency packet provides extra practice opportunities for student to gain fluency in their reading skills. Using this packet is optional and it is not specifically scheduled. A great way to use this packet as a homeschooler is to have the student read the selections from the packet to another adult or older sibling.
- Wiggle Cards: Are available to use throughout the year. Each card uses simple words or phrases learned previously to direct students to move or act a certain way. You should select and use 5-10 cards each school day.
- Assessment and Remediation Guide (ASG): This guide is designed to assist teachers and families with teaching children whose reading and spelling skills are significantly behind grade level or who have a learning challenge which would benefit from a different type of instruction and more reinforcement of concepts. The lessons in this file are not scheduled as part of the daily workplans.
Getting Organized
Catch-up Days: Catch-up days are scheduled at the end of each unit. These days can be used to catch-up if you are behind on finishing the core lessons or can be used to work through more Pausing Point activities.
Pausing Point: Each unit (except for the last unit) ends with a Pausing Point and they are included in the schedule. The Pausing Point section in the Teacher’s Guide will list additional exercises you can use to further practice or reinforce a particularly spelling skill or concept. Pausing Point activities can also be used throughout the unit (there are notes in the side column of the Teacher’s Guide when an activity might be useful). Keep in mind though that if you use a PP activity prior to the end of the unit, you may need to help your child with any words in the activity that they haven’t yet learned to decode.
Tracking Documents: There are a number of documents in the Teacher’s Guides for tracking the academic progress of a classroom of students. As a homeschooling parent, you can ignore these.
Important Tips
Unit 1 Information: This first unit is different from subsequent units because it is broken up into three sections:
- Lesson 1-5: Back to School Week Lessons: This first week of lessons assume a student has had the summer off and will need to review concepts taught in Grade 2 before moving on. If your student is coming to the CK curriculum from a public or private school or if you have previously used a different reading/spelling (phonics) curriculum, these lessons are important to begin assessing where your student is at in terms of their reading and spelling skills. Please do not skip these lessons. Back to school lessons are explained on Unit 1 TG pg. 11.
- Lessons 6-10: Beginning-of-Year Assessments: Week 2 of this first unit is focused on assessing whether your student is ready for the Grade 3 skills materials. Providing a student with reading instruction at their skill level is critically important. A student’s needs are not served by moving them ahead in reading instruction before they are ready to do so. For some 8-10 year old students starting Grade 3, these Grade 3 materials will be right at their level. Other students may need to circle back to the Grade 1 or Grade 2 materials first. Please read Unit 1 TG pg. 15-16 and 62-64 before starting the assessment lessons. Information on interpreting student assessment scores can be found on TG pg. 129-139.
- Lessons 11-22: Sound-Spelling Review: These last 3 weeks of the unit are focused on transitioning students to the spelling skills they will need to be successful in Grade 3.
Unit-Specific Prep Checklist
This checklist will help you prepare for each new unit of the Core Knowledge Third Grade Language Arts Skills curriculum. Please refer to the specific unit list prior to starting a new unit. It will guide you through what what documents to print, when a library book is needed, special notes for that unit, etc.
Unit 1
- Read the Unit Introduction: Teacher’s Guide pg. 1-16 (please note, the introduction section for this unit is particularly important to read through carefully)
- Review the Unit-Specific Notes:
- The downloaded files for this unit include a Supplemental Reader, Workbook, and Answer Key.
- This first unit includes back-to-school lessons, beginning-of-year assessments, and sound-spelling reviews. Please see TG pg. 9 for an overview of how these additional components are spread across the lessons in this unit.
- If possible, please have some story books available for your student to read on their own as time allows. These books should be chosen for their current reading level.
- The Flip Books, Spelling Cards, and Individual Code Chart are located in the Grade 3 Ancillary Components folder you downloaded from the CK website.
- Wiggle Cards are introduced in Unit 1 (see TG pg. 83 for an explanation). If your student enjoys this option, more Wiggle Card ideas are available on TG pg. 155. Wiggle cards are called for in the lessons periodically throughout the school year.
- Writing Prompts can be found on TG pg. 244.
- The Appendix (TG pg. 223-238) contains important information about teaching spelling, code charts, and specific spelling techniques.
Unit 2
- Read the Unit Introduction: Teacher’s Guide pg. 1-10
- Review the Unit-Specific Notes:
- Lessons 1-11, and 14-15: Require advance preparation.
- Lesson 3: You may wish to print TG pg. 42 to use when making the grammar poster.
- The Fluency Packet is located in the Grade 3 Ancillary Components folder you downloaded from the CK website.
- The Vocabulary Cards are located in the folder of unit files you downloaded from the CK website.
- Writing Prompts can be found on TG pg. 244.
Unit 3
- Read the Unit Introduction: Teacher’s Guide pg. 1-10
- Review the Unit-Specific Notes:
- Lessons 1-7, 10-12, and 14-15: Require advance preparation.
- The Vocabulary Cards are located in the folder of unit files you downloaded from the CK website.
- Writing Prompts can be found on TG pg. 184.
Unit 4
- Read the Unit Introduction: Teacher’s Guide pg. 1-10
- Review the Unit-Specific Notes:
- This unit begins teaching dictionary skills.
- Lessons 1-17, and 19-20: Require advance preparation.
- Lessons 3 and 10: A pair of dice and game markers are needed or an activity.
- Lesson 4: Print TG pg. 48-49.
- Lesson 8: Requires a hat or box; print TG pg. 91
- Writing Prompts can be found on TG pg. 218.
Unit 5
- Read the Unit Introduction: Teacher’s Guide pg. 1-10
- Review the Unit-Specific Notes:
- Lessons 1-6, 8-12, and 14-15: Require advance preparation.
- Lesson 1: Print TG pg. 23
- Lesson 3: Print TG pg. 39-40
- Lesson 5: Print TG pg. 60-61
- Lesson 6: Print TG pg. 75-76
- Lesson 8: Print TG pg. 92-93
- Lesson 9: Print TG pg. 103
- Lesson 10: Print TG pg. 113-114
- Lesson 11: Print TG pg. 125-126
- The Vocabulary Cards are located in the folder of unit files you downloaded from the CK website.
- Writing Prompts can be found on TG pg. 172.
Unit 6
- Read the Unit Introduction: Teacher’s Guide pg. 1-9
- Review the Unit-Specific Notes:
- Lessons 1-7, and 10: Advance preparation required.
- This unit includes a week of mid-year student performance assessments followed by a week of scheduled time for remediation and enrichment. Please review TG pg. 2 for an overview of how these assessments and remediation and enrichment fit into the lessons during this two-week unit. More information can be found on TG pg. 2-3.
- Lesson 7: Print TG pg. 80
- The Vocabulary Cards are located in the folder of unit files you downloaded from the CK website.
- Writing Prompts can be found on TG pg. 126.
Unit 7
- Read the Unit Introduction: Teacher’s Guide pg. 1-9
- Review the Unit-Specific Notes:
- This unit has the student writing a simple research paper. Extensive support for you as a teacher is included in the Teacher’s Guide so you can provide your student with significant scaffolding for this project. It is important to follow the steps laid out in the Teacher’s Guide so your student can work through this project successfully. Library books for research will be required starting in Lesson 16 and should be requested in advance. See TG pg. 125-130 for suggestions.
- Lessons 1-2, 4-12, 14, and 16-20: Advance preparation required.
- Lesson 10: Requires dice and game markers.
- The Vocabulary Cards are located in the folder of unit files you downloaded from the CK website.
- Writing Prompts can be found on TG pg. 176.
Unit 8
- Read the Unit Introduction: Teacher’s Guide pg. 1-8
- Review the Unit-Specific Notes:
- Lessons 1-7, and 9-10: Advance preparation required.
- Lesson 2: Print TG pg. 30
- Lesson 3: Print TG pg. 33
- Lesson 5: Print TG pg. 53
- The Vocabulary Cards are located in the folder of unit files you downloaded from the CK website.
- Writing Prompts can be found on TG pg. 118.
Unit 9
- Read the Unit Introduction: Teacher’s Guide pg. 1-9
- Review the Unit-Specific Notes:
- Lessons 1-2, 5-6, 9-12, and 14-15: Advance preparation required.
- Lesson 2: Print TG pg. 22
- Lesson 5: Print TG pg. 49
- Lesson 9: Requires dice and game markers
- Lesson 10: Print TG pg. 91
- Lesson 13: You may find it helpful to print TG pg. 120-121, but the pages can also be viewed on a tablet or laptop.
- The Vocabulary Cards are located in the folder of unit files you downloaded from the CK website.
- Writing Prompts can be found on TG pg. 138.
Unit 10
- Read the Unit Introduction: Teacher’s Guide pg. 1-9
- Review the Unit-Specific Notes:
- Lessons 1-12, and 14-15: Advance preparation required.
- Lesson 9: Requires dice and game markers.
- The Vocabulary Cards are located in the folder of unit files you downloaded from the CK website.
- Writing Prompts can be found on TG pg. 152.
Unit 11
- Read the Unit Introduction: Teacher’s Guide pg. 1-9
- Review the Unit-Specific Notes:
- This unit includes a multi-day end-of-year student performance assessment. Please review TG pg. 2 for an overview of how these assessments it into the lessons during this two-week unit. More information can be found on TG pg. 2-3.
- Lessons 1-8 and 10: Advance preparation required.
- Lesson 8: Print TG pg. 84
- The Vocabulary Cards are located in the folder of unit files you downloaded from the CK website.
- Writing Prompts can be found on TG pg. 108.
- This unit does not have a Pausing Point.
The Core Knowledge Foundation is a non-profit organization and has generously made their curriculum free to download. If you are able to, please consider making a donation to support their ongoing curriculum development efforts.
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. This means if you click on a link and purchase an item, we will receive a small affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. These small commissions help offset the costs of producing and hosting this content.
Core Knowledge, CKLA, CKHG, and CKSci are registered trademarks of the Core Knowledge Foundation.
Amplify is a registered trademark of Amplify Education, Inc.
MEP Math has been made available through the Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching.