This information will help you get organized and prepared to homeschool your child using the Core Knowledge Second Grade History and Geography curriculum.
Free Resources
How-to Videos: Watch the videos to learn to use the CKHG curriculum to homeschool.
Unit-Specific Prep Checklist: View and download the CKHG Second Grade Unit-Specific Prep Checklist. Includes notes for each unit of the curriculum including which activity pages to print, library books that may be needed, required advanced preparation broken out by lesson, as well as a list of additional unit-specific supplies.
Daily Schedule: View and download the free daily schedule for homeschooling Second Grade using Core Knowledge and MEP Math.
Primary Materials
Units: There are 11 units in the Grade 2 CKHG curriculum. All students start with Unit 1 and progress through the units in order. You will download each unit separately from the CK website. Each unit will be downloaded as a file folder containing multiple files including the Teacher’s Guide and Student Reader.
Teacher’s Guide: This is the primary resource for history and geography lessons. When you are ready to start a lesson with your student, you will simply open the PDF file for the Teacher’s Guide on your tablet or laptop, navigate to the lesson indicated on the daily schedule, and work through the instructions in the Teacher’s Guide for that lesson.
Student Reader: This reader contains both images and text and is used on most school days. This reader can be accessed as a PDF file on your student’s device.
Online Resources Website: Most lessons call for accessing this website which contains additional lesson resources:
To find a specific resource, click on the name of the unit and click on the chapter number. Save this website so you can access it easily during lessons.
Getting Organized
Activity Pages: Activity pages (and the answer key) for each unit are found in the back of the Teacher’s Guide for each unit. More information will be available in the unit-specific prep checklists. Activity pages are often used over multiple school days. Save all activity pages until you have completed the unit.
Assessment Documents: Each unit ends with a day for student assessment. The assessment document and answer key are found in the back of the Teacher’s Guide in the Teacher Resources section. You will need to print the assessment pages. While homeschooling parents typically have a wide range of opinions on the value of formally assessing what their student has learned, I would encourage you to give the domain assessments a try. They are well designed, typically fun for the student, and they do help you double check your student’s strengths and weaknesses related to the material. This information can then be helpful when choosing which cumulative activities to use (see below) and/or can be used as items to review with the student as they move into the next unit.
Culminating Activities: 1-2 days at the end of each unit is set aside for culminating activities. Please review the culminating activities when first starting a unit so you can gather any needed supplies in advance. The CA section of the Teacher’s Guide will guide you through a number of options. Remember you only need to choose one or maybe a handful of these activities. Alternatively, these days can be used to catch up on lessons. Completing the culminating activities is not required for your student to move on to the next unit.
Please note, most unit’s culminating activities include a day for making a booklet where the student can document what they have learned. There are colored pages in the back of the Teacher’s Guide that may be printed for this task. However, if printing those pages is not an option, have your student make a booklet on their own using folded paper and illustrating each page (a list of possible topics for pages is listed in the activity).
Performance Activity: Each unit’s Teacher’s Guide contains an opportunity for students to work on a Performance Activity at the end of the unit. This activity is not scheduled but can be used if your student needs additional reinforcement of the material.
Time Traveler Passport Files: Each unit folder contains Time Traveler Passport activity files. The back of each unit’s Teacher’s Guide lays out how to use these files. These tasks are not scheduled but you can use them to further reinforce unit content if desired.
Important Tips
Library Books: Whenever possible please select several of the recommended books from the unit’s resource list (located in the introduction section of the Teacher’s Guide) and request them from the library in advance. These books can be used as time allows, when specifically called for in a lesson, or can be left out for your child to read on their own in their free time. If library books are not an option, YouTube often has videos of books being read aloud and these can be used as an alternative.
Art History: Several lessons call for displaying and discussing a piece of art with the student. These art images can be Googled or if you prefer a hard copy, Core Knowledge sells an art pack for each grade level that includes high quality prints on card stock.
Globe and Maps: Many lessons suggest using a globe, world map, and/or US map. If you do not have one, most CKHG Teacher’s Guides have at least one world map in the back with the student pages. Units covering US history typically have a US map in the back of the Teacher’s Guide. Alternatively, you can Google map images and save the links for future use.
White Board: Many lessons suggest using a white board, chalk board, or board/chart paper. If you do not have one available, you can use a plain piece of paper to write out or draw the information called for in the activity.
Classroom-Based Activities: Some activities in this program are clearly designed for a classroom setting. Please adjust the activity as needed for your situation. For example, for an activity that suggests students work in teams, you can act as your student’s teammate. For activities that involve putting on a play or presentation, your student can present one part of the information or you can make the activity a family activity and involve siblings, etc.
Topic Duplication: You may notice what appears to be duplication between topics in the CKHG lessons and the CKLA lessons. This is intentional and provides the opportunity to reinforce key concepts by approaching them from multiple perspectives. For example, a student will have a history lesson about Martin Luther King Jr. one day and then maybe a week later will also study Dr. King in a CKLA lesson.
Second Grade CKHG Unit-Specific Prep Checklist
This checklist will help you prepare for each new unit of the Core Knowledge Second Grade History and Geography curriculum. Please refer to the specific unit list prior to starting a new unit. It will guide you through what what documents to print, when a library book is needed, unit-specific supplies that should be gathered, and special notes for lessons in that unit.
Unit 1: Ancient India
- Read the Unit Introduction: Teacher’s Guide pg. 1-9
- Print the Activity Pages: Teacher’s Guide pg. 77-80
- Answers found on: Teacher’s Guide pg. 81
- Review the Unit-Specific Notes:
- Print excerpts found on the CKHG online resources website: Chapter 2—“The Tiger, the Brahmin, and the Jackal” (FE 1)
- Chapter 2—“The Blind Men and the Elephant” (FE 2)
- Week 2: Locate a Henny Penny or Chicken Little story book (library or check YouTube)
- Art images referenced can be Googled or an Art Pack can be purchased from the Core Knowledge website.
- Print excerpts found on the CKHG online resources website:
- Gather the Unit-Specific Supplies:
- Paint brushes (Chapter 4)
- Paint (Chapter 4)
Unit 2: Ancient China
- Read the Unit Introduction: Teacher’s Guide pg. 1-9
- Print the Activity Pages: Teacher’s Guide pg. 90-96
- Answers found on: Teacher’s Guide pg. 97
- Gather the Unit-Specific Supplies:
- Card stock (Chapter 2, optional)
- Poster board (Chapter 3, optional)
- A spool of silk thread (Chapter 7, optional)
- Items made from different fabrics, including silk: for example, a cotton towel, wool sweater, rubber rain boots, silk scarves, etc. (Chapter 7)
- Tissue paper (Chapter 7)
- String, thread, or yarn (Chapter 7)
Unit 3: The Culture of Japan
- Read the Unit Introduction: Teacher’s Guide pg. 1-10
- Print the Activity Pages: Teacher’s Guide pg. 82-86
- Answers found on: Teacher’s Guide pg. 87
- Review the Unit-Specific Notes:
- Print excerpts found on the CKHG online resources website: “The Tongue-Cut Sparrow” (FE 1)
- Art images referenced can be Googled or an Art Pack can be purchased from the Core Knowledge website.
- Print excerpts found on the CKHG online resources website:
- Gather the Unit-Specific Supplies:
- Washington quarter (Chapter 1)
- Chopsticks (Chapter 1)
- Popcorn (Chapter 1)
Unit 4: The Ancient Greece
- Read the Unit Introduction: Teacher’s Guide pg. 1-11
- Print the Activity Pages: Teacher’s Guide pg. 120-124
- Answers found on: Teacher’s Guide pg. 125
- Review the Unit-Specific Notes:
- During this unit there is an option to read two library books about Ancient Greece. See TG pg. 11 for a list of potential books to place on hold at the library.
- Art images referenced can be Googled or an Art Pack can be purchased from the Core Knowledge website.
Unit 5: Geographies of the Americas
- Read the Unit Introduction: Teacher’s Guide pg. 1-12
- Print the Activity Pages: Teacher’s Guide pg. 122-135
- Answers found on: Teacher’s Guide pg. 136
- Review the Unit-Specific Notes:
- Chapter 2: The additional activities include a review of geographical terms a student would have learned in previous grades of the CK curriculum. If your student is new to CK, spread out this information over a few days or even the whole unit. Teach them the definition of 1-2 terms a day and review the terms they’ve previously learned each day.
- Chapter 2: The additional activities call for the following three books. Please note, it is recommended that you either request a copy from your library or search YouTube for a video of someone reading each book:
- Jeff Czekaj’s Austin’s Lost in America: A Geography Adventure (Balzer & Bray, 2015)
- Laurie Keller’s The Scrambled States of America (Square Fish, 2002)
- Holling C. Holling’s Paddle to the Sea (HMH Books for Young Readers, 1980) OR internet access to the film may be found on the CKHG Online Resources website
- Chapter 3: The additional activities call for the following book. Please note, it is recommended that you either request a copy from your library or search YouTube for a video of someone reading each book. A video version is also available on the CKHG online resources website.
- Thomas P. Lewis’s Hill of Fire: Grades 2-4 (Harper Trophy, 1983)
- Chapter 4: The additional activities call for the following book. Please note, it is recommended that you either request a copy from your library or search YouTube for a video of someone reading each book.
- Susan Roth and Cindy Trumbore’s Parrots Over Puerto Rico (Lee & Low, 2013)
- Chapter 5: The additional activities call for the following books. Please note, it is recommended that you either request a copy from your library or search YouTube for a video of someone reading each book.
- Lynn Cherry’s The Great Kapok Tree: A Tale of the Amazon Rain Forest (Harcourt Brace, 1990)
- Susan K. Mitchell and Connie McLennan’s The Rainforest Grew All Around (Arbordale Publishing, 2007)
- Gather the Unit-Specific Supplies:
- US and Canadian coins (Chapter 2, optional)
Unit 6: Making the Constitution
- Read the Unit Introduction: Teacher’s Guide pg. 1-10
- Print the Activity Pages: Teacher’s Guide pg. 81-84
- Answers found on: Teacher’s Guide pg. 85
- Review the Unit-Specific Notes:
- See the special note on TG pg. 9 concerning The Pathway to Citizenship
- Chapter 1: Calls for review of units a student would have worked through during previous grade levels in the CK curriculum. If your student is new to CK or has not previously learn about the initial European settlement of North America and the path the English colonists took to declaring independence, it may be helpful to download and look through the flip books and anthologies for Grade 1 Unit 7 (Early Explorers and Settlers) and Unit 8 (From Colonies to Independence). You can then start the current unit with a review of the main facts and events from that period to lay the groundwork for the student to now learn about how the US Constitution was developed.
- Chapter 4: The additional activity (A Classroom Constitution) as well as the first culminating activity (Classroom Mural) are designed for use in a classroom. You can choose to work as a team with your child or use this activity with siblings. The coloring pages for the making a mural culminating activity can be found on the CKHG online resources site under “Teacher Resources” for this unit.
- Note, students should learn the United States National Anthem “The Star Spangled Banner” during this unit.
Unit 7: The War of 1812
- Read the Unit Introduction: Teacher’s Guide pg. 1-10
- Print the Activity Pages: Teacher’s Guide pg. 78-81
- Answers found on: Teacher’s Guide pg. 82
- Review the Unit-Specific Notes:
- Culminating Activity: The Make a Mural activity is designed for use in a classroom. You can choose to work as a team with your child or use this activity with siblings. You could also spread this activity over several days. The coloring pages for this activity can be found on the CKHG online resources site under “Teacher Resources” for this unit.
Unit 8: Americans Move West
- Read the Unit Introduction: Teacher’s Guide pg. 1-11
- Print the Activity Pages: Teacher’s Guide pg. 127-128
- Answers found on: Teacher’s Guide pg. 129
- Review the Unit-Specific Notes:
- Chapter 3: Print the Oregon Trail Coloring Book found on the CKHG online resources website: - Chapter 3: The additional activities include having students play the Oregon Trail game. This will likely be familiar to you as it was a very popular game several decades ago. There are two versions available. Preview both versions to find the one you prefer (or looks familiar to you).
- Culminating Activities: The first day includes a choice between two activities. Both activities are designed to be used in a classroom setting so you will need to make modifications when working with only one child.
- Note, students will be familiarized with the following songs during this unit:
- “The Erie Canal”
- “I’ve Been Working on the Railroad”
- “The Ballad of John Henry”
- “Home on the Range”
- Gather the Unit-Specific Supplies:
- Something made of denim, such as jeans or a jacket (Chapter 4)
Unit 9: The Civil War
- Read the Unit Introduction: Teacher’s Guide pg. 1-14
- Print the Activity Pages: Teacher’s Guide pg. 119-125
- Answers found on: Teacher’s Guide pg. 126
- Review the Unit-Specific Notes:
- May need 1-2 library books (or YouTube videos of books being read aloud) for the final week of this unit. See book list on Teacher’s Guide pg. 11.
- Note, students should be familiarized with the following songs during this unit:
- “Follow the Drinking Gourd”
- “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot”
- “When Johnny Comes Marching Home”
- Gather the Unit-Specific Supplies:
- One-dollar bill (Chapter 2)
- Twenty-dollar bill (Chapter 2)
- Bowl or box (Chapter 6)
- Poster board (Chapter 7, optional)
Unit 10: Immigration and Citizenship
- Read the Unit Introduction: Teacher’s Guide pg. 1-13
- Print the Activity Pages: Teacher’s Guide pg. 96-102
- Answers found on: Teacher’s Guide pg. 103
- Review the Unit-Specific Notes:
- Chapter 2: The final activity scheduled for Chapter 2 (week one) is to interview a family member about how and why the student’s ancestors came to America. They will fill out questions on AP 2.1 and then create a mini book. Please review this activity (TG pg. 32) when initially starting this unit so you can schedule a time for your student to interview a family member. The day the activity is scheduled on the work plan can be used to create the mini-book. You can also move this day to later on the schedule if more time is needed to arrange for your student to interview someone.
- Chapter 3: The activity scheduled for Chapter 3 (week one) has several different components and requires a few simple items you may need to gather in advance. Please review this activity in advance (Teacher’s Guide pg. 43) so you can be prepared as it is a fun way to learn about sod houses.
- Gather the Unit-Specific Supplies:
- Measuring tape (Chapter 3)
- Masking tape (Chapter 3)
- Poster board (Chapter 4, optional)
Unit 11: Civil Rights Leaders
- Read the Unit Introduction: Teacher’s Guide pg. 1-12
- Print the Activity Pages: Teacher’s Guide pg. 137-141
- Answers found on: Teacher’s Guide pg. 142
- Review the Unit-Specific Notes:
- Culminating Activities: The links to access the read aloud videos are located in the Teacher Resources portion of the unit resources found on the CKHG online resources website:
- Culminating Activities: The links to access the read aloud videos are located in the Teacher Resources portion of the unit resources found on the CKHG online resources website:
- Gather the Unit-Specific Supplies:
- Susan B. Anthony silver dollar coins (Chapter 1)
The Core Knowledge Foundation is a non-profit organization and has generously made their curriculum free to download. If you are able to, please consider making a donation to support their ongoing curriculum development efforts.
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. This means if you click on a link and purchase an item, we will receive a small affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. These small commissions help offset the costs of producing and hosting this content.
Core Knowledge, CKLA, CKHG, and CKSci are registered trademarks of the Core Knowledge Foundation.
Amplify is a registered trademark of Amplify Education, Inc.
MEP Math has been made available through the Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching.